
Why You Should Consider Adding a Specific Modifier to Your Vehicle Lubricant

Automotive Blog

Your vehicle's gearbox and transmission are engineered very well by the factory, to last as long as possible and give you years of carefree motoring. However, you do need to pay some attention to their upkeep on a regular basis and also need to understand that they have a certain amount of redundancy built-in. What can you do to extend the life of these components, as far as possible? Adding a Specialty Lubricant

21 June 2017

Get Your Driving Instruction Business Off to the Right Start

Automotive Blog

If you want to teach people to drive, and you'd like to go down the route of setting up your own business to do so, it's important to make sure you get off on the right foot and set everything up properly. Starting any business can be a confusing affair, leaving you unsure of whether you're doing everything right or not. As long as you follow a few simple guidelines, you'll be able to run a successful driving school on your own terms.

18 June 2017

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Handling Your Own Car Repairs

Automotive Blog

Making your own minor auto repairs can be a great way to save money and ensure they get done quickly without having to wait for an appointment at a repair shop. However, when you are ready to handle some DIY car repairs, you want to ensure you stay safe and properly handle all the parts and tools you'll be using. Note a few common mistakes that many car owners make when handling their own repair work, so you can then avoid them yourself:

30 May 2017

Simple Tips for Maintaining Your Car's Electrical Systems

Automotive Blog

Your car's electrical systems are actually just as important as the engine; many very important parts under the hood of a car are powered by electricity, including the fuel pump, fan, oil pump and the like. When your electrical systems fail or become damaged, your car can literally shut down, even while you're driving it. Maintaining the electrical systems should then be as important as maintaining any other part of the vehicle; note a few tips on how to do this, so you ensure your car is always in good repair and running smoothly:

30 May 2017

A Guide to Caring for Your New Car

Automotive Blog

For some, a car is little more than a means to get from A to B. For others, it is a prized possession, treasured and loved. Whichever camp you're in, a new car is likely to be a big purchase that you'll want to take care of. Chances are you'll want to wash it quite soon after purchase to keep that bright, sparkly, new car look. Use these tips to make sure that you're cleaning and caring for your vehicle properly.

13 April 2016